The #1 Sign to Recognize When You Need a Break

5 min readMay 10, 2022

Feelings of exhaustion, anxiousness, emotional outbursts, are relatable examples that describes how many of us feel on a day-to-day basis. Yet somehow, we still manage to press on. Does this ring a bell? Many of us push through hard times. We are taught this at an early age. Our parents, teachers, coaches all tell us to fight through the exhaustion, mental fatigue, and pain. I am over that way of thinking now. I am not pushing through the fatigue. I am giving into it.

I am tired, and I honor it. I am a soon to be divorced woman, taking care of my home, and raising children while managing my own business. Typically, this would receive an applause, but I’d rather walk in the other direction. I don’t want applause. I want a society that values people rather than busyness.

Do you remember when pastimes were appreciated?

I struggle to sit on my behind to read a book because I feel that I could be doing something else more productive. Do you remember when reading a book was considered productive? I sure do! That was a beautiful time in life when sitting down and entertaining oneself with a fascinating storyline of words was appreciated. It was a respectable way to enjoy time. It garnered respect.

Now, that fascination and concentration has diminished. It’s turned into how many posts can a person skim through within a given time. Research suggests that social media has had a negative impact on reading habits. Personally, I think I can get through about 20 posts in five minutes😜. That’s only if I read about one to two lines of each post. I struggle to read things that takes over five minutes to get to the point.

I believe I have been impacted by the “mighty scroll.” The mighty scroll is the feeling of needing to get to the next post, and then the next post, and then the next post. It’s almost an anxious feeling I get when I come across a post that’s too long to read. I read with angst because I desperately need to see what’s next. Hahaha, I know this sounds crazy. I’m not proud of it, but it’s true.

Photo by Simran Sood on Unsplash


How often do you hear that?

I feel surrounded by societal whispers, social media influencers, and everyday people that feel that being productive is running around from the moment you wake and staying up late to grind throughout the night. I never connected with that way of thinking. I remember in college how my mind would naturally shut off at 10pm. I tried to push through it though. I tried to keep myself up by listening to upbeat music and drinking caffeinated drinks. However, my body had other plans. It was like I couldn’t think clearly after 10pm. That was my body was showing me I needed rest. It was my responsibility to remind myself that whatever I didn’t finish that night was going to have to be finished in the morning. Since then, I stopped fighting against my body. It feels good to give my body what it needs.

It’s hard for me to function as an ant in our fast-paced society. I don’t always want to be busy. I like having free time to daydream, play with my hair, or read a book. I look around and most people look like ants to me. They look like troops speeding to their next mission. When I found myself a part of the ant troops and filling up every part of my day with a task, I slowly began to burn out. My days became less enjoyable, and I was tired all the time. Plus, it affected my sleeping habits. Instead of falling into a peaceful sleep at night, my mind wandered over my checklist of things to do the next day. I was miserable.

Within a period of time, I stopped caring about things that brought value to my life. The phone calls to family and friends ceased. The desire to create art dwindled. The yearning to be around people I love faded.

I stopped caring! That’s when I recognized that I needed a break.

Also, the quality of my work declined. My attitude towards became passive. I felt like a weight dragging myself to complete a work order. I was tired and unfulfilled, but what led to change is that I admitted to myself that I no longer wanted to feel like this way. So, I knew I had to make changes in my life. I brainstormed short-term goals that would lead to a lifestyle shift rather than a temporary one.

I approached this shift with the mindset of putting me first! I started by relieving myself of external obligations that no longer interested me. It took courage because I tend to hold on to volunteer opportunities or community commitments out of guilt. But I did it! I cleared my schedule to allow myself time to rejuvenate. I planned out my break to prevent harsh consequences. For instance, I informed my clients that I would not be accepting any work orders until further notice. Also, I asked my children’s father if our girls could stay with him for a longer period of time.

These important actions has given me a peace of mind and a chance to think. A peace of mind is priceless. But to be honest, my decision to clear my schedule does come with a drawback. I am missing out on some contractor jobs; however, my monthly budget and adequate savings is all that I need right now.

Yet, I wonder…

How can I live my life the way I need to and not go back to the ant troops?

I don’t have the answer yet, but the process to finding out has begun. I believe my answer is coming because my days are now open. I’m able to slow down and receive the messages God, the creator, sends to me.

My journey continues on……




BreatheThrough are life stories of my uncommon choices that keeps me tidder tottering a catastrophe or the biggest payday of my life.