Twitter and How I Convinced Myself That I Need It

2 min readMay 1, 2022
Photo by Anaya Katlego on Unsplash

Words captivate me more than pictures do. They tell a story in a way that allows me to see and feel what’s being described. Words dig in deep. They penetrate our mind and sometimes stick with us for life. As author Yehuda Berg states in this article, “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity… Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”

This statement is powerful and urged me to get a Twitter account even more. Because Twitter’s platform allows users to express their perspective in the best way possible.

I have an affinity for words and less glamor.

Most times, I’d rather skip over someone’s post and their hundredth selfie and actually read what they have to say. Also, more times than not, I just want to write a thoughtful note, share it, and it be enough. That doesn’t really fly for the Facebook and Instagram audience though, it needs to be a bit fancier.

“Twitter is for word enthusiasts.” -Quisha D. Henderson

Twitter is for me and fits my style. I knew it over a year ago, but it took me a while to make it happen. I had to breathethrough a few hurdles in my mind. The biggest lesson I learned from all of this is that it’s best to start something when you’re not overthinking it. Therefore, that natural flow of energy makes it easier to achieve!

In all, I hope each piece of writing I publish whether it’s on Medium or Twitter, reminds you that it’s never too late to try something you’ve fantasized about.

It’s not always easy to start something new. As a matter of fact, the pre-historic mammal in me felt overwhelmed at the thought of Twitter. Swirling questions like, “where do I start?” “How do I connect with people on there?” “How will people find me?” Are some of the questions that prevented me from moving forward. But the thought that kept me stuck like a boat to a dock was, “I don’t want to get on another damn social media platform!” I know some of you can relate.

So, did you make the leap and join the Twitter community? What’s your advice for a new Twitter user? Include your Twitter account in your comment. I would like to enjoy reading some stimulating tweets.

Help me out by also connecting with me @quisha_dh and share tips if you like. I look forward to connecting with thoughtful people.




BreatheThrough are life stories of my uncommon choices that keeps me tidder tottering a catastrophe or the biggest payday of my life.